Bo architekt is a small architectural and design studio based in Kolín, Czech Republic which approaches the craft responsibly and progressively. The studio focuses on buildings connected to the surrounding landscape and carefully selects and works with ecological and natural materials. As one of the few studios, they specialize in designs using the Building Information Modeling method, which ensures accuracy, efficiency and innovation in every project.
The founder and chief architect of the studio, Ing. arch. David Matoušek, has been fascinated by buildings and their functioning since childhood, and especially nature and what it offers. Getting to know David Matoušek is like meeting an old friend who enthusiastically talks about his passion – architecture. Phrase "bo" is largely used as a dialect slang for "because" in Moravian area of Czech Republic, area that David has a strong bond to. So are you wondering why choose David? Bo architekt!

David's relationship with architecture is clearly reflected in the logotype, which connects the entire visual identity. Its main element – the icon – is a combination of the landscape, the house and the first part of the studio's name. Throughout the logo, the icon is supplemented with the addition "architect."
The chosen colours are the primary colours of the visual identity, reflecting David's positive and playful approach to architecture and collaboration with clients. The logo also creates the feeling of a lit window in a house.

Visual Identity

Ing. arch. David Matoušek
Overall I tend to go for a more austere approach, but this is great. I like that it's simple, but different from most presentations of other architecture studios. I like the fonts and the overall layout of the pages on the website. I'm really looking forward to working with it.